
Suicidality refers to thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and conditions that increase the risk of suicide. Suicide is a serious public health issue that results in the loss of life and can have a lasting impact on family and friends. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors can range from passive suicidal ideation (thinking about suicide) to actively making plans to end one’s life.

People who are experiencing suicidality may feel hopeless, helpless, or alone, and they may struggle with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

Suicidality is a treatable condition, and it is important for those experiencing suicidal thoughts or behaviors to seek help immediately. This may involve talking to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional, or reaching out to a suicide crisis helpline.

The goal of treatment is to reduce the risk of suicide and improve an individual’s overall well-being. Suicidality in children and adolescents refers to thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to suicide and self-harm. It can range from having suicidal ideation (thinking about suicide), to making a suicide plan, to attempting suicide. Children and adolescents who experience suicidality may feel hopeless, helpless, or overwhelmed by their emotions. They may also experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions that can increase their risk for suicide. It is important to take any signs of suicidality in children and adolescents seriously and seek help from a mental health professional as soon as possible. 

Immediate Help

If your child, a member of your family, or anyone else is in immediate danger of harming themselves or others, please call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Room. Calling the national crisis hotline by texting or dialing 988 will get you in touch with a crisis specialist that can help in situations that do not present an immediate danger of attempting suicide.

What are some of the warning signs that can help you decide on the level of care needed by your child?

While there is no complete manual with how to’s for all situations for all people, there are some warning signs that can help you and your family decide what kind of support you need. Some of the things that you and your family can start paying more attention to can be any combination of the following:

  • Your child’s behavior has worsened at home, school, or with friends
  • Your child has lost interest in activities they once enjoyed
  • These changes in behavior have persisted for several weeks and are apparent on a daily basis in various environments

What does suicidal behavior look like?

Again there is no complete list of suicidal behavior. Remember, if there you have any doubt, please consult with a mental health specialist, call 911, or go to your nearest Emergency Room.  Here are some things that would constitute suicidal behavior:

  • Stockpiling medications or toxic substances (like cleaning solutions)
  • Seeking to get access to a firearm or any other lethal weapon
  • Talking about how they have lost hope and want to end their lives

How can I get my child the help they need?

Our lives are filled with constant pulls for our attention and emotional reserves. It can be that your child’s abilities to manage the daily stressors have become overwhelmed or that they may be experiencing a crisis that exceeds their coping skills. This can be such an alarming moment for your child, yourself, and the rest of your family. We at PRI have trained professionals and appropriate facilities to help your child get back to their usual, cheerful, motivated selves. Relying on Evidenced Based Therapies and consulting with physicians who have subspecialized in suicidality, PRI will support your family throughout the crisis, provide the necessary attention your child needs, and be by your side when you and your child are back on the path of wellness. 

At PRI we are committed to developing a plan with you and your family to keep everyone safe. Will will be by your side to implement the changes necessary to see you through a crisis and get you back on the path of wellness. Our aim is to tailor a treatment plan that meets the particular needs of you and your family from the moment we meet you to the day your child is on the path to meeting their potential.

Do you have questions about suicidality?

Consult these questions to better understand and assist: