Intensive Attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD)

At Protected Roots Integrative Treatment Center, we recognize the vital importance of providing comprehensive mental health support, especially during adolescence. Our Intensive ADHD program is designed to address the unique needs of teenagers facing this challenge in San Diego. Through a holistic, evidence-based approach, our goal is to offer effective interventions that promote lasting resilience and well-being.

We focus on emotional regulation, time management, and effective communication, fostering peer connections and supporting caregivers with practical strategies.

Active Collaboration

Ensuring comprehensive treatment through active involvement and cooperation with parents and caregivers.

Provision of Tools and Education about ADHD

Equipping parents and caregivers with essential resources and knowledge for effective ADHD management.

Goal of Improving Key Skills in Adolescents

Focusing on enhancing emotional regulation, time management, communication, and self-confidence in participating adolescents.

You're not facing this alone; help is always available.

The good news is that early intervention and support are crucial in mitigating these effects and helping teens overcome substance abuse. If you’re concerned about your teen, we are here to help

We empower caregivers with tools, education, and support to manage ADHD challenges. Our support groups enhance skills and promote resilience in adolescents.

Collaborative Treatment

Working closely with parents and caregivers to ensure holistic treatment approaches.

Improving Key Skills in Adolescents

Targeting improvements in emotional regulation, time management, communication, and self-confidence.

Provision of Tools and Education about ADHD

Equipping parents and caregivers with essential resources and knowledge for effective ADHD management.

We're committed to your well-being. Learn more or schedule a consultation

We are here to help

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We understand that situations can make us feel lonely, but we are here to accompany you and provide the best advice for you.

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Frequently Ask Questions

Choosing the right treatment is crucial for recovery and well-being. We strive to provide accessible and effective options that fit your needs and budget. Explore our FAQs to learn more, and don’t hesitate to contact us for personalized assistance.


Participating in our intensive program offers numerous benefits, including significant improvement in emotional regulation, time management skills, and effective communication. Additionally, adolescents develop resilience and self-confidence.

Our approach is based on comprehensive assessments to understand each teenager's unique needs. We create personalized treatment plans that leverage their strengths and preferences, ensuring effective and progress-focused care.

Our program utilizes evidence-based therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and mindfulness techniques. These therapies are designed to improve emotional regulation, time management, and communication skills.

Caregivers receive support through the Parenting Behavioral Treatment model, providing them with tools and strategies to support their children at home and in the community. We also offer support groups where caregivers can learn to advocate for their children in educational and community settings.

The primary goal of our program is to empower teenagers with ADHD to develop practical and emotional skills that enable them to function effectively in their daily lives. We aim to promote resilience, self-confidence, and long-term overall well-being in each participant.